10 Effective tips to loose weight after delivery
Once you have given birth to your baby, you will be worried about your belly fat and body weight. Loosing weight after delivery will have a direct impact on your health. There are lots of things you can do to get into shape again. But it’s really important to give yourself a break: Your body just birthed another being. Things moved around, stretched and grew to make that happen. Don’t focus on “getting your body back” (it actually didn’t go anywhere!) but on creating a healthy, happy, and possibly slightly differently shaped. Please keep in mind that you cannot loose your weight overnight. It will take time, because sudden weight loss can affect your health. Studies show that many women appear to hold on to at least a couple of pounds postpartum, and a quarter of women retain 11 or more pounds (roughly five or more kilograms) a year after giving birth. After giving birth, many women tend to concentrate on taking care of their new-born babies, adjusting to the new routine and recover
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